I hereby give consent to the credit provider to make enquiries about my credit record with any credit agency and to obtain whatever information on me they might require to process the credit application and to share my payment behaviour with any credit agency.
? I am not a minor.
? I have never been declared mentally unfit by a South African court.
?I am not subject to an administration order.
? I do not have any current application pending for debt restructuring or alleviation.
? I do not have any current debt rearrangement in place.
? I have not previously applied for debt rearrangement.
? I am not under sequestration.
? I do not have applications pending for credit, nor open quotations as envisaged in section 92 of the National Credit Act, 2005.
? If any of the above is incorrect, state which and give details.
I hereby declare that all of the above information is true and correct.